Wednesday, January 27, 2010

College Time Management

In any kind of environment it can be a difficulty to manage the abstract concept of time. Time is hard to manage because it's always moving, so in order to make your day the most productive possible I reccomend some simple steps to make your day stacked.

1) Make a "To Do" List

It's too easy to get wrapped up in something miniscule for an hour or more, so to ensure that does not happen make a list of what's most important. If you wake up, brainstorm in bed about your days priorities, and just "go with it" chances are things wont get done effiecently.

2) Use Spare Minutes Wisely

Trust me one this when I say the that littlest things in life end up being the most important. If your class doesn't start until 9:30 and you're ready by 8:45... read or study. It may seem easier to or even more "productive" to hop onto facebook and aimlessly click around for 20 minutes, but it's not. Stimulate your mind.

3) It's Okay to Say "No"

Sometimes the hardest thing is to say no to somebody, especially if it's the end of the day and you have nothing left of your plate. But overdoing yourself is no bueno. If it's a Thursday night, there's a party, yet you have a test Friday morning: Do not go to the party. Temptation is your greatest enemy.

4) Reread Your Notes Everyday

Reinforce what you've studied or writeen down, which will prepare you for any pop quizzes or just give you less study time for later.

5) Get a Good Night Sleep

Running on empty makes the days seem longer, and causes your attention span to decrease significantly.

1 comment:

  1. Great Advice Carter. Hope you are living by these 5 rules! hugs
